What a day!

Today(27/4/06) was so funny! Ok maybe it wasn`t yet I think a lot of 'interesting' things took place today. First, (pls don`t laugh!) Jeremy the one who is always top (or second) for physics forgot that a vacuum can cause two things to stick together. No it is not a question about vacuum, he finished his exam paper quickly and forgot to check! He had left two pages undone. Wow! 16 marks or 32% down the drain. I shall learn from your mistakes Jeremy.
Hmm now the more interesting events. Son(Ha Quang Son) visited the gents twice during his Physics test! Once for 10 min! Well he is surely talented! He finished the paper!
Just before his history test, Philip made a fool of himself. He was seated at a perfectly acceptable location but NO, he had to stand and make a big mess of the situation and look like a total fool! Later he took a short sprint to 'his table'.
Now this is the weirdest one. Am i that difficult to recognize! Especially if I am expected in a certain place? Pls there arnt that many indian guys in S'pore.. Ok so here's what happened. I saw a junior 'hiding' between two book shelves and all I did was say "hi". All I got was a blank stare so I rolled my eyes and the stare became more blank! Well just to confirm I am sure it was my junior. Now if you(my junior) do read this, Remember! You owe me an explanation! I expcted you to hi! Umm maybe I suck at at saying hi.
Hmm i should end of with a little treat to maths lovers!
Did you know that x^n+y^n=z^n has no integer solutions if n>2! , n is a natural number! Now for the more daring prove it! I will greatfully offer S$1000 to the person who does it(no complex variables please).

Maybe i should just stick to maths.

Woah.. after listening to a lot of nonsence after my previous post i guess maths is the most logical thing to talk about! Well today i shall talk about something abstract.
Now who here knows what a complex number.. or maybe an imginary number..
"wad is an imaginary number??" "how can a number be imaginary?" i bet those are the questions running in your mind.
well here is how my prof explained it to me.
accept that since square root of -1 cannot exist in the real world(real numbers). Then it must exist somewhere. now lets call the magical value i(only the positive part).
So now imagine a graph where the x axis is the real numbers and the y axis is the imaginary axis. ie the numbers in the imaginary axis go ...3i,2i,i,0,-i,-2i,-3i... and the x axis is the normal real axis ie ...-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3...
now the to find the square root of ab we can find the root of a then root of b and multiply.
so now lets say we want to know the square root of -4 it is the same as the square root of 4=2 times the square root of -1=i
so we get the magical result sqrt of -4= 2i
now think about the coordinate (1,2) it represents a special number namely the number 1+2i or generalising i can say that (a,b) reprisents a+bi
ok so thats that.
now look at the a+bi note that taking the distance from the origin to the point will give us sqrt (a^2+b^2). thus let the angle formed between the line and the positive x axis be p rad.
thus we can write a+bi as sqrt(a^2+b^2)*(cos p +isin p) since cos p=a/sqrt(a^2+b^2), sin p=b/sqrt(a^2+b^2)
now here is the best part.
we have a short form for writing the expression sqrt(a^2+b^2)*(cos p +isin p) we simply write sqrt(a^2+b^2)*e^(ip).
for a proof of this look at the maclaurens series it converges beautifully

now for the most magical part of this whole lesson!!
look at the number e^(i*pi) now notice that if pi is the angle formed, then we are back on the real axis so we have the magical number e^(i*pi)=-1.
I just combined three of the most beautiful numbers ever discovered to make it more magical, we can say that e^(i*pi)+1=0 now every part of that is magical. all the five numbers are special.
pls message or ask me if you need any clarifications.

What is friendship..

Here is my pick on life.. This might help you better understand me.
I imagine friends as life savers.Yup i do(not e sjab kind though). i imagine myself as a person falling off a building, do this together wif me as you read on you might just be enlightened. Now imagine all the people you know are going to walk past one by one. Who will offer a hand to you who will be willing to save you?
Now here is the more interesting part.. Imagine that you are walking past who will you save? and why? tag if you need any further clarifications on my thinking..lol.
and do tag to say what will happen if u are walking past and i am hanging! will i live??

What the hell is eisenstein crteria?

I learnt this recently and for those who might really be wondering what eisenstein(not einstein) criteria is here is the mathematical form.
p.s. for those who find school maths difficult dont bother trying to understand.
(ie. Anson dont read on)

let f(x)=ax^n+bx^(n-1)+cx^(n-2)+...+yx+z. where a,b,c,...,y,z are constants.
let there be a prime p which doesnt divide 'a' but divides the other constants.
then if z is not divisible by p^2, the whole expression cannot be factorised.

most of you probably wont understand how this might be useful in maths but just to give an example, determine if there exist any intergral solutions for the expression
now notice that the coefficients are 1,0,3,6,6
that thus the 'a' is not divisible by the prime 3 but the rest are.
thus in one look, one can say that the whole polynomial is not factorisable since
6 is not divisible by 9.
isnt that easy??
for those of you who read on without heeding my advise its ok you really dont need to know this for any tests!


I feel so motivated! For the past few days i have been listening to a lot of motinational speeches. Its so fun you get to listen to stories and at the same time learn invalluable lessons.
The first story has the lesson, you can be the richest person if you follow the golden rue. What is that golden rule you may ask. Its actually a simple phrase apply it well and money will not be a problem for you. well put into simpler terms, the golden rule goes sth like this.. A part of all you earn is yours to keep. It may be any amount but make sure it is atleast ten percent of your earnings or pocketmoney. And make sure you NEVER spend it
The next story is about you having two innerpersonalities. One that is positive and one that is negitive. Day in and day out we chose to embrace one of the personalities and unfortunately it controls us for the time not our brain.
So what are these two personalities?
The first is ur positive identity and and the other ur negitive identity.
If you chose to embarce the negitive you are actually building up a path to failure. And another importane lesson is that failure only exists in the grave. You dont fail till you die so why not embrace that positive identity and well move towards the opposite direction. Then make sure that identity takes the BEST path upwards.
The last motivational "story" was told by my maths teacher, Mr Tan Teck Poh. Here goes.
You are on a boat and are carrying your lifes worth on it, a super big gold bar. When the boat sinks do you hold on to that gold bar?
You can chose to hold on to your bar and lose your life. Or save yourself and lose that bar and then re-live your life.
Thats all for my motivatonal stories do ask me if you wanna know more i shall be pleased to clarify certain points.


It isnt easy doing this.. Y do so many ppl out there hav blogs? how da hell do they manage to gt such nice blogs? i wish i had the patience to use all of my javascripting skills instead of jus stealing others blog skins.

Now to sth more real. well i didnt really do much today. slept through geog. half heartedly listened to the maths lesson and then the stupidest thing happened!

Mrs Lim my form teacher said that my class hadn't purchased enough buscits so to salvage the situation and also to quieten us down. She made up keep quiet without talking. If anyone spoke, they would hav to buy one tin($8). To add insult to injury, she tried to force us(trick us) into talking. actually it has been a very long time since i kept quiet for so long lol so i guess thats y i think its so stupid.

First entry

My first blog.. (and probably only). Hmm wanna know what it feels lik to hav a blog. For those hu dont know what my address symbolses.(Probably all visitors) Please don't feel bad. Its actually the ONLY method to determine if a given polynomial is factorisable.

Tts all for my first entry..

The confused ONE
Name: Chaitanya
B`dae: 14/03/1990 (einstein shares my B-dae!!)
Sch00l: Anderson..
Class: De best class
CCA: SJAB and ganna be maths soc soon!!

Falling in LOVE with
The WORLD of anti-confusing(maths!!) things( If only it exists)

People who get confused by maths (It cant be confusing!)

I wish
-That everyone loves Mathematics!
-To eat non-stop without growing fat!!
-Time machine

MAY 06

Talk to me, tell me your name


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Jessica(Mei Shi)
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Rachel tan
Rachel koh

angelyn and ankita
chew yan
Jun Jie
Have i forgotten to link you?
pls tag.

Excuses List

Here are some excuses for not doing maths homework. Thanks to a library book.(i dont really use them.. i jus dont do HW!!)
I did not do my Maths because...
1) It was cold at night that i burnt all my pencils for warmth.
2) My pet mistook the homework as veges and ate it.
3) My book was left in my locked drawer where as the key was flushed into the toliet bowl.
4) I accidentally drop it into the library book drop.


I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me

I'm more than a bird:I'm more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside a train
It's not easy to be me

Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I'll never see

It may sound absurd:but don't be naive
Even Heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed:but won't you conceed
Even Heroes have the right to dream
It's not easy to be me

Up, up and away:away from me
It's all right:You can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy:or anything:

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me

It's not easy to be me.

Copyrited by Jean.L