People actually hate maths!! check this out..
Hi was browsing and I think I influenced this person to hate maths by trying to show her the true beauty. I think her teacher spoilt it for her by giving low marks.. marks do not reflect a subject. I have never done well for exams in mathematics.. but none the less i knew that maths was and is a beautiful subject. Dont ever hate mathematics. You will regret.
My docter told me yesterday that mathematics was only for mathematicians and that arithimatic was for normal average people. Oh boy do i beg to differ but who cares he is more respected than me.. argh the world has to change and i wonder who is going to make it change but it had better happen fast. Pythagoruses quest for knowledge led us to know many facts and now we are disregarding them? why did our ancestors work so hard then. Its not that everything is known that we can forget about it.
That particular blogskin is one i have see a lot of i wonder what about it makes people want it. the surprising think is that most people dont even know what those simbols mean why then use that as a skin.. i wonder maybe we will never know what drives people to hate maths.. maybe one day they will realise its beauty.. one day..